Brotherhood of Middle Earth - Lotro Kin Forum
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Kin RP background

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1Kin RP background Empty Kin RP background Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:35 pm



Hello all,

I have been asked what our official RP Background is...where do we come from, why were we formed?

My answer is, officially, we don't have a RP background. I brought the Brotherhood into life especially NOT designed as a heavy RP Theme Kin.. Some of our Members don't want to Roleplay, some don't have the time. The reasons are various.

That being said, what I can officially say, that the Brotherhood of Middle Earth are a mixed bunch of Adventurers dedicated to fighting the menace that is sweeping out of Mordor. It is a group of Warriors and Scholars from all the free peoples, regardless of Race, who have voluntarily dedicated themselves to defending the free peoples of Middle Earth. It is almost certainly not the only such group among the free peoples.

Indeed, due to it's varied nature, it is almost certain that some or all of the Members haven't actually met each other. To solve this problem, each member has been given a means of Identification...a symbol of their Group Identity....The Kin-Hauberk.

Due to their diverse nature, the Members of the Brotherhood will be operating alone or in small groups, in different Territories within Middle Earth, only occasionally called together for Meetings or Special Operations through the founder, the Dwarf known only as Gibbonnz.

I hope that this simple statement gives those Members who wish to bring their membership within the Brotherhood into their Roleplay, something to work on. Please bear in mind that those who in real life engage in delicate situations of this type tend not to talk about it to strangers, or friends, in public places. Remember, the spies of the Enemy are everywhere!



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