Brotherhood of Middle Earth - Lotro Kin Forum
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Who are the Brotherhood?

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1Who are the Brotherhood? Empty Who are the Brotherhood? Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:28 am



About Brotherhood of Middle-Earth

You're probably saying to yourself, "well, there are a lot of Kins on the Server, so why should I choose the Brotherhood of Middle Earth?" That is a very good question, which I will try to answer by telling you how it all got started...

Like most players, I've tried a couple of online games...and I've made my experiences, good and bad, with Kins. When you start in a new Kin, everything's great, everyone's nice and it's fun. Unfortunately it usually doesn't last long.

Before too long, you start to notice that certain players get the priority treatment (being given the choice Rewards in Raids, getting pulled everywhere and generally demanding everything.) Or perhaps everythings great and then all of a sudden the complete Kin-leadership disappears because they've found a new game. The list is endless.

This sort of situation often annoyed me. In the end, my RL wife turned around and told me, "if you want to find a great, friendly Kin full of nice people, you're going to have to make it yourself!" So I did.

The Brotherhood of Middle Earth is not the only nice Kin on the Server. What I can guarantee you is, it WILL be full of nice, friendly people who like to have fun together. There won't be any priority treatment of players. We are a Brotherhood, together we will be strong. We will respect your real-life commitments. We will try to help you out as best we can. We do have limited contacts to other Kins. And we have a trial-period for you to get to know us...and the other way around. If you decide that we're not for you, there's no hard feelings.

So, what do you have to lose?

If we have awoken your interest, please register in this Forum with your CHARACTER NAME. To Register, you will need to confirm via the Email Link.

When you have Registered, please tell us a bit about yourself and approximately when we can expect to find you Online. We will then get in Contact with you In-game as soon as possible and have a quick chat before inviting you.



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